Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Lexie and I spent a great morning together shooting her senior photos. I'm proud to announce she'll be graduating from Orem High next month. (Go Tigers!)

When I asked her where she wanted her photos done, she said "I don't care, whatever you want."
Dangerous words, my dear. Muah-ha-ha. (Insert maniacal laughter.)
She pretty much gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted with her. It might have been a little scary at times, but she survived. And I think her photos turned out dang good too.

We decided to hit up downtown Salt Lake City. If you'll remember my favorite location of all time, you'll know how excited I was to be shooting there again. If you guessed the Rio Grande train station, you would be correct.

The yummy natural light made her gorgeous eyes POP!

And, of course we had to have a little fun. The security guard was eyeing us, but I was confident we could outrun him if it came to that :)

Then we headed outside to City Hall. It was windy and chilly, but the sun was shining. Besides, the grass was such a bright green, we couldn't pass it up.

Yeah. We were having a good time.

Sexy Lexie, I love these photos of your pretty face!

Last stop. We headed across the street to the City Library. We had to take advantage of the awesome architecture.

Who knew sweet, little Lexie could have so much attitude?!

We spotted this step outside the library and I thought it was pretty fitting.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lexie, I love you to bits and had such a blast hanging out with you. Congratulations on graduating and I hope your post-high school life is amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the one of her in the grass and the one on the steps, very fitting!