Saturday, October 6, 2007

Adventures in Photography

I like to think that my creativity makes me stand out as a photographer. Maybe that's all in my head, but you have to admit. These are pretty cool.
Bridal Veil Falls in a rain storm. If that's not creative, I don't know what is.
If you recall, we've already done a wicked-awesome photoshoot with Alexis. Somehow, I talked her into it again. Only this time was a little different.
We've already experienced warm and sunny and dry. This time around it could not have been more cold and wet and rainy. It was a downpour the whole time. But, we decided if we're going to get wet anyways, we might as well go all out.
And we did.
Poor Alexis. The things she suffers for my photographic vision.
We were hypothermic and soaked to the bone by the time we finished, but, at least in my mind, it was so worth it.

1 comment:

Em said...

Alexis sure is a trooper! I'm getting all chilly just looking! (Which means you captured the whole cold/wet/clean/vibrant/did I say cold? thing brilliantly)